Hello, this is a test article. Eventually I will write some real blog posts and put them here, but while you wait for that why not check out the various formatting options that are supported by markdown?
Header level 1
Header level 2
Header level 3
This is a paragraph. This paragraph has some text. The paragraph has formatting, like bold, italics, and strikethrough.
This is an ordered list
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
And here's another list, this time unordered
- List 1
- List 2
- List 3
Following is a horizontal rule
This | is | a | table |
Hi | Hi | Hi | Hi |
This is a link to another website. And this is an autolink: https://google.com.
The following are some test images:
This is some inline code
, and some inline python: print("Hello, world!")
Here is some sample code, written in C:
And in python
And in typescript (react)
And even sql!
This is a formatted diff
This is a blockquote
80% of quotes are fake
‐ Albert Einstein
This is inline math: ,
This is block math: